sâmbătă, 5 februarie 2011

The Answer 

 by Robinson Jeffers

Then what is the answer?- Not to be deluded by dreams.
To know that great civilizations have broken down into violence,

      and their tyrants come, many times before.

When open violence appears, to avoid it with honor or choose

      the least ugly faction; these evils are essential.

To keep one's own integrity, be merciful and uncorrupted

      and not wish for evil; and not be duped

By dreams of universal justice or happiness. These dreams will

      not be fulfilled.

To know this, and know that however ugly the parts appear

      the whole remains beautiful. A severed hand

Is an ugly thing and man dissevered from the earth and stars

      and his history... for contemplation or in fact...

Often appears atrociously ugly. Integrity is wholeness,

      the greatest beauty is

Organic wholeness, the wholeness of life and things, the divine beauty

      of the universe. Love that, not man

Apart from that, or else you will share man's pitiful confusions,

       or drown in despair when his days darken. 

vineri, 4 februarie 2011

Atingere imposibila

te asez
intre muguri
dar tu
alergi spre toamna
si-ti scuturi frunzele
te desenez
in ploaia fierbinte de vara
si te gasesc apoi
urcata sub stresini
si incremenind in turturi de gheata
ca pe o liana
te infasor in jurul meu
iar tu
te ascunzi razand
in rugii de mure

intr-o singura dimensiune
ne regasim pe deplin
in atingerea imposibila
a palmelor intinse
de unul
catre celalalt.


Cand te privesc
pietre verzui
faramitand oglinda apei
te-mprastie in valuri.
Te regasesc in silabe ratacite
purtate pe aripi de fluturi
franturi de cuvinte
reinviate intr-un oftat
sau intr-o soapta
sau intr-o alta forma
de nemurire.

Viorel Bucur